The North Carolina Lake Management Society (NCLMS) will host a half-day Fall 2020 Virtual Workshop on Tuesday afternoon, November 10, beginning 1:00 pm. (via Webex – thanks to Moffat & Nichol for facilitation assistance)
Cost is free to members (become a member on this website, membership fee $30, student membership $10), workshop cost $25 for non-members, $10 for non-member students.
Session 1: Best Management Practices to Reduce Pollutant Loading (coastal BMPs, inland BMPs/SCMs, getting SCM financial assistance)
1:00 pm Introduction and Welcome - Maverick Raber, NCLMS President
1:10 – “Successful Coastal Area BMPs to Reduce Nutrient, Fecal Bacteria, and TSS Loading”
Dr. Mike Mallin and Amy E. Grogan, Research Professor, Center for Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina Wilmington
1:45 pm – “Stormwater Control Measures to Improve Water Quality and Provide Co-Benefits”
Dr. Bill Hunt, Professor, Biological & Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University
2:20 pm – “BMP Cost Sharing to Protect Waterways” Leslie Vanden Herik, NC Soil and Water, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
2:55 pm break
Session 2: Harmful Algal Blooms and Nuisance Macrophytes (Detecting, sampling and analyzing HABs, dealing with problematic macrophyte growths)
3:10 pm – “Responding to HABs: NC Division of Water Resources Protocols and Procedures”
Dan Wiltsie, Algal Bloom Response Coordinator, North Carolina Division of Water Resources
3:45 pm - “Exploring Blooms from Space: The CyAN Satellite Imaging Project” Wilson Salls, Physical Scientist, U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, RTP, North Carolina
4:20 pm – “Aquatic Vegetation Management: Killing or Planting” Johnny Foster, Foster Lake & Pond Management, Inc., North Carolina
5:00 – 6:00 pm, virtual happy hour.